4月10日“蝌蚪”沙龙讲座:Network analysis in cancer research � regulatory network analysis and drug-target identification


 澳大利亚威海医学研究所(Walter+Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research)Melissa Davis博士,将于4月10日下午2:00在生科院楼A430为大家做讲座。
Network analysis in cancer research � regulatory network analysis and drug-target identification

Dr MelissaDavis is a computational biologist and Laboratory Head in the BioinformaticsDivision of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Herbackground is in genetics and computational cell biology with expertise in theanalysis of genome-scale molecular networks, systems biology, and knowledge-basedmodelling.

During her PhD,Melissa participated in the ground breaking Functional Annotation of Mouse(FANTOM) projects 2 and 3, which revolutionised understanding of the transcriptionaloutput of the mammalian genome, and she was awarded a Deans Commendation forher PhD thesis arising from this work. Her first post-doctoral appointment was withProf. Mark Ragan at the University of Queensland (UQ) developing approaches forthe use of ontology in modelling molecular interactions and signallingpathways. She then took up an appointment as a Data Modeller with theQueensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics (QFAB). Melissa returned toactive research as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the Institute forMolecular Bioscience, leading research in the Cancer Network Analysis part ofthe Ragan Group before moving to the NICTA Victorian Research Laboratory in2013.

In 2014,Melissa was awarded a four year National Breast Cancer Foundation CareerDevelopment Fellowship, and took up a position as Senior Research Fellow in ComputationalSystems Biology at the University of Melbourne, before moving to the Walter andEliza Hall Institute for Medical Research as a Laboratory Head in 2016. Melissaspecialises in the integration of genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic datawith knowledge-based network models to understand the regulatory logic ofmammalian systems.

Melissa has >40papers, both in computational biology and bioinformatics journals, as well asin journals such as Science, PNAS, PLOS Genetics, Genome Research andDevelopmental Cell, and her work has attracted over 3500 citations. Melissa hassupervised research projects for >30 students, ten in research higherdegrees (PhD and MPhil), and has lectured both undergraduate and postgraduatebioinformatics at the University of Queensland and The University of Melbourne.


Cancer is a disease in which multiple cellular systems become disrupted. High-throughput experimental methods can provide measurements of many thousands of molecules simultaneously, however many analysis methods will assess the changed behaviour of each gene separately to determine if plays a role in the disease. Network analysis methods on the other hand provide insight into how entire systems of molecular interactions change in cancerous cells compared to normal tissue.
Here Dr. Melissa Davis will present their work using network analysis and inference techniques to understand system-scale perturbations occurring in cancer. Specifically she will explore how data integration can provide deeper insight into regulatory networks, with a focus on the processes involved in cancer metastasis.
